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優(yōu)秀assignment代寫范文:Candy Crush Saga

文章來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理??文章作者:Australiaway論文網(wǎng)??發(fā)布時間:2019-03-05 17:15:40 ??瀏覽次數(shù): 次??字數(shù):3143 字??文章關(guān)鍵詞:assignment代寫

文章導讀:下面為大家整理一篇優(yōu)秀的assignment代寫范文-Candy Crush Saga,供大家參考學習,這篇論文討論了《糖果傳奇》?!短枪麄髌妗肥且豢蠲赓M的對局益智游戲。游戲的操作非常簡單,用戶只需...
  下面為大家整理一篇優(yōu)秀的assignment代寫范文-Candy Crush Saga,供大家參考學習,這篇論文討論了《糖果傳奇》?!短枪麄髌妗肥且豢蠲赓M的對局益智游戲。游戲的操作非常簡單,用戶只需通過滑動的動作就可以切換糖果的顏色,使其與一行三種或三種以上相同顏色的糖果相匹配,并隨著游戲的進行將糖果消掉。不同的目標和特殊效果被設(shè)計為不同的層次。作為一款由King開發(fā)的熱門游戲,這款游戲已經(jīng)發(fā)展成多個不同版本,到2014年擁有近1億玩家。
  Candy Crush Saga is a free match-three puzzle game available on different mobile platforms since 2012.The game is very simple to operate,as only the action of swiping is required for the users to swap the colors of candies to match a line of three or more of the same color,to blow out these candies as the game move on.Different goals and special effects are designed for a number of levels.As a popular game developed by King,the game has developed into several different versions,with nearly 100 million players by 2014.
  Candy Crush is a game targeted at females,or at least a game that is better received by female players than male ones.According to the player data released by King.com,69%of Candy Crush players are female(Thompson,2013).The user interface of Candy Crush is designed using bright,saturated colors,with cartoon effects that do not demonstrate a hint of masculinity commonly observed in games for male players(Wright&Black,2013).The use of sweets,including candies,chocolate,gummy bears and sodas are associated with females as well.The music and sound effects used in the game are also associated with femininity.Finally,compared to male players,who are likely to invest more time and energy into games,female players prefer simple,light-hearted games to fill out their spare time.For instance,while waiting for a bus or inside the subway.
  Although the initial attempt of King.com to develop Candy Crush may not be gender specific,they have clearly reoriented their strategy in response to the much larger percentage of female players.This attempt to create a female gamer market should not be criticized.Targeting the specific needs of females should not be equated with gender stereotyping.Instead,the sexualization and simplification of female characters in many male-dominant video games are indeed stereotypes(Behm-Morawitz&Mastro,2009).The difference between Candy Crush and these games is that it targets the need of females specifically,instead of objectifying the female gender.Just like any product should have its target customer group,it is justified to included female-preferred elements into games targeting the female player market.
  Candy Crush is a brave and successful step to diversify the video games market,by exploring the potential of the female players’market.In terms of game design,female gaming market need to see more colors that differentiate from the dark style of many existing games.It should be noted that color and design are becoming increasingly integrated into games,making them more female friendly.For instance,the popular Monument Valley is a puzzle game that has a fair level of difficulty,but without the dark and violent elements.This makes the game much better revived by both genders.The addition of aesthetics into a video game in terms of color,sound,and design are important to attract more female players and further expand the market.




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